So....i loved the episode Me and Tye destroyed Jose. Me, Kryse, & Tye would always be silly. We Were the only ones not drama filled tbh, i crack myself the fuck up " we need some diversity cause jose being the "spanish" guy isnt working " this new replacement is really messy and he shall get the jose treatment x10 lol stay tuned ; )

Well Kryse finally came clean to me, I'm proud of her for doing so
Melissa just says she doesn't have a problem with me, but I know she does.
Maliik never really had a problem with him, but he didn't like me so I'm glad he got eliminated.
Tye & Lamar can still think they "slayed" my life, but let's be honest, I will beat your ass when it comes down to fighting. So they can both keep getting mad over what I say about the episode, so I'll see one of you in my mentions next week again. ^_^
I don't even try with these people haha

This was a great episode.. I feel like the season is getting better and better! ok so , I knew that Tye voted for me so that shit that Mel was talking no boo i know EVERYTHING and im glad I stuck with my gut. Tye's vote didn't matter though  because everyone was still going for Jose so I knew I was safe regardless..
~ The two people who hated me the most are now gone and I can breath and i wont be in much drama.
~ S/O to production, like they finally showed some good moments and that goes to show you guys that we were not arguing 24/7, I mean we did argue a lot but there were so many funny moments like this one that was never shown. They don't even show you guys how teams and friendships are formed..
~Next week, the 2 new replacements come..NO COMMENT! yall can judge for yourself on how you feel about them
~Just wanted to say BTC is NOT as easy as it looks. I know it's over the internet but you constantly get like 30 emails a fucking minute, people arguing all the time, conversations that has nothing to do with you being sent, like it's ANNOYING!!  so me making it this far is just a pat on the back.. 4 more episodes to go! Lets do it

Twerk, twerk. Twerk, twerk. Lol this episode was bitter sweet. I kinda had a feeling that Maliik was gonna be the one to go becuz I only talked to him a few times that day & I knew the REAL reason he wasn't gonna be able to participate in the challenge. Regardless of anything he was one of the baddest PERIOD! ...once again Taco Bell (aka Jose) tried to pop off, but only this time sHE got a two for one special. Lamar & I slayed his entire fuckin life lmfao like he should be embarrassed to even try an talk some more shit to EITHER of us. But moving forward majority of us were over the drama! Especially The Originals since we had been there from day1. I tried to get everyone (minus taco bell) to at least try to be cool & cordial so we could see wat the replacement(s) had to offer ;) next week I think we have an Elease 2.0 situation with replacement #4!!!

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