I Enjoyed Today's Episode it was Hilarious! as you can see Melissa and Jose were hating on my awesomeness from the Get Go! It was hilarious to see Kryse go off on Everyone Because she absolutely gave no fucks whats so ever and that's why i fucks with her. Everybody was really lame besides myself, malik and kryse.....But Next week Things get Curazay when i wanna Split up Mel & Kryse!!! Tune in

"Tye, Tye, TYE!" Lol, thats wat this episode should've been named. But anyways I just wanna address a few things .... I didn't realize how "Manipulative" the girls were until now, like every episode they're talking about trying to get one of us out, when majority of the time unlike them myself, Maliik, & Elmo would just chill & have REAL conversations! Of course none of that is aired on the show but moving on.... Kryse & I decided to be cordial way before the big blow up we had on 2nites episode even happened. I got tired of my name comming up everytime there was an argument that didn't have anything to do with me, so I spoke on it! Another thing Never, EVERRRR has any bitch on this show "ran" me lmfao ...& everyone knows that! When the 3rd replacement came Maliik & I thought he was adorbs lol not physically but mentally. I instantly thought he was cool becuz he didn't fuck with Jose either so that was automatic kudos for him.
Ps. Editing is a bitch! The whole "Tye is fake" thing is complete bullshit! I'm one of the FEW that can actually say they're real, don't believe me? Just watch! ;)

The Best Episode THUS FAR! Hurricane KRYSE!!! OK, so where do I begin?
~ So, I decided to go off on the boys because previously during the challenge, Tye, Malik, and Elmir were going in that WHOLE DAY maybe even for 2 days straight just going in!! Like, what yall saw on episode 5 wasnt half of what happened that day. They went in on Jose for EVER! Like, yall only get to see so little of stuff that went on forever. Anyways that really irritated me so I decided to go off! I honestly went off on Malik and Elmir but of course Tye and I get into it. Editing is really a bitch because Tye and I had decided to be cordial WAY before this big blow out but that wasnt shown.. editing really twist things around but I guess..At this point Tye and I just kept going at it and as you see for the "next time" we will go at it again when he decides to call me out. Is it ever gonna end? I slayed them though
~ LAMAR!! <333 I've been waiting on your arrival, that's my booooooooo. They didnt show it but Lamar and I were cool from jump. His intro was cute and personally I dont think Tye and Malik were kissing his ass but Mel felt they were so that's how that argument started.
~ Elmir's little plan to befriend Mel to try to manipulate her, little did he KNOW she knew his plan ALL ALONG! another fail from that crew..
~ I knew that I was getting to Elmir and honestly hes annoying and i didnt care for him but I really wanted him or Malik out so I was gonna kept egging the situation on.
~ This is a great episode..

Jose R.
I wasn't shown in this argument because I wasn't included in it since the "Boys" I don't even think you can call them that, decided to ignore me. They were intimidated by me, but I see Tye being fake as usual. He is no damn Paula(BGC10) though, he's as fake as it comes. Elmir wants to get me out?! :D haha I want to get him out, and what I want, I get ;) so he can keep on planning with Maliik, they aren't going to do shit at the reunion though, I already know. They always go back on what they say and they just do shit behind our backs and not to our faces so I can expect them to chicken out at the reunion. Lame-are totally did a Tiara intro "My motto is blah blah blah". I know Lame-are before BTC so that's why I don't fucks with him. His picture is soooo damn hideous and I thought Elmir was the ugliest of the season! He has wrinkles coming out like a lil ol' granny. Elmir, Tye, Maliik & Lamar can get on their knees and suck on my dick and praise it while they're at it. Elmir you're a weak ass, fake ass, phony ass bitch trying to act sneaky and that's why I don't fucks with him because Real recognizes Real and you lil bitch I don't recognize. Elmir does what the fuck Maliik says, they're both leaving together haha like some punks. Elmir and Maliik I can't wait to see y'alls plan backfire. Ha they're going to argue over the same thing next week, Mel & Kryse's friendship. What the fuck does their friendship have to do with them?! They seriously need to start minding their own business. Well time to have fun, let the REAL games begin!

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